Hi there,
First of all, a round of applause to AirAsia BlogTeam. It is nice of you guys who for the first time in the aviation industry brought fun to aspiring cadet pilots through blogging. Cheers!
" So You Wanna Be a Pilot" is a brilliant idea by the blog team put into practice by our CEO Datuk Seri Tony Fernandez which attracted the world media at large.
Datuk Seri Tony is my Mentor, he is a real great guy you know, he is in the news again, I read the StarOnline saying "AirAsia chief elated with US award"
So You Wanna Be A Pilot? Of course, I do, that's what I am waiting for all these while with a burning desire....
Pilots are always looked up as one who earns big money and live a good life. This particular career is so tempting that a growing number of aspiring pilots like ME are always waiting for an opportunity ever ready to spread our wings to fly.
I have great interest in aviation and impressed with the state of art aircrafts since young. Longing to be a pilot one day I prepared myself, studying hard taking up science stream with an ambition, and aim to qualify as a career pilot later.
In my younger days, I use to make paper planes using pages from my school exercise notebooks and get the scolding from my parents.
Later when I grew up, I wanted to buy a mini remote control aeroplane and fly it but when I visited the shops selling such planes, wow all models costs a few thousand ringgits each. I just could not afford that much so the only option is my computer.
When I was a small boy my father bought a Macintosh Multimedia Computer (Power PC) and installed Microsoft Flight Simulator program, I don't have a joystick, using mouse was so difficult and the landings were a real mess. One fine day the program got corrupted and I was so down and out.
Time pass by and when I grew up, I had the option of using internet. I always google the net for aviation related materials and watch video clips of planes flying, maneuvering and landing with a feeling that I would be the one taking charge of the plane in the near future flying past the blue skies.
I am willing to make sacrifices and take all necessary action to reach the sky. No giving up.
Well, before going any further, guys... why not watch ... A mini VIDEO OF MINE. ^^
Have a seat and enjoy!! ( may take a while to load, so be patient ) :)
As this is a blog post, lets follow the 1st rule of blogging -
* Keep it simple, Easy to read and Informative. *
To me, flying is not only a career, it's my blood, it's my life, I always dream of me in the cockpit as a pilot and flying high into the clouds.
I am more than crazy to see aircraft at close range, wouldn't it be better if I am able to fly the machine, navigating the plane - the marvels of engineering high up in the sky.When I was kid I took my father to the Sg Besi Air Force Muzeum to see and feel the planes.

My visit to TUDM, Shah Alam 2008
Being open minded, I have great passion for flying since young.
I would grab any opportunity and take all risk to bear responsibility as well as to care for the life of the people around me, the people I work for and make my country proud, it's in my blood like my father who was a police elite force member who served the nation.
I am fascinated and impressed with the cream of technology in aircrafts we have today.
The high salary and perks never cross my mind, my ambition to become a PILOT is even greater.
I like to travel but never had the opportunity, being a pilot of course I can travel around the globe meeting people of all walks of life.
Of course there's never a perfect package.
However, have you ever thought why pilots are highly paid?
In my opinion :-
they are a very special breed, young and aspiring, highly trained, dedicated professionals, entrusted with a million ringgit aircraft along with lives of hundreds of passengers to take care plus ensuring the safety of thousands of people on the ground below the flight path.
If a surgeon makes a mistake, it may only cost a life; BUT if a pilot makes the same mistake, it may cost hundreds or even thousands of lives, and the worst... the pilot's own life.
By being a pilot one have to work in extreme conditions, strict regulations, and of course at times under tremendous pressure, therefore self-discipline is utmost important for a pilot wannabe.
- With great Powers comes great Responsibility -
If anyone ask, "Do you have what it takes to be a pilot ?"
I would say, "I believe, I have the temperament to be one!"
Credentials in support =>
Obtained :-
DCA Approval Letter
APFT Offer Letter
Epic Aviation (Florida, US) Offer Letter.
Academic accomplishments =>
PMR 7 A's - Magnum Top Student Award
SPM 9 A's - Science Stream with 1As in Maths, AddMaths, Physics, Chemistry, BM, History, and EST ; 2As in English and Biology. ^^
Unified Examination Certificate (UEC-Chinese 3A's and 6B's)
Attended Forum Competition up to National Level including a competition in Sarawak ( This was the first time I was flying in a MAS flight and I feel great, it's cool, man)
Temperament =>
Mentally and physically fit, basketball player, masculine built sports man.z
Ability in language =>
I can speak fluent Malay, English, Tamil, and of course Mandarin & some Chinese dialects as well!
Ability to work under pressure =>
To prove myself, I had undergone double academic syllabus including SPM and UEC at the same time. Participated in adventure camping's.
I enjoy working as a team as well as independently. Love traveling a lot.
Thinker and always willing to think out of the box!
Able to stand out from the others, "Only the hook exposed, gets the picture."
One may ask why AirAsia?
I would say, Why NOT AirAsia!
To me, AirAsia is "DIFFERENT"
It's more than just a company. It's a TEAM.
It's friendly and easy to approach i.e via blogs^^, facebook, etc. Imagine, you can reach the CEO through his blog and/or even chat with him, he is ever ready to get back to you to answer your queries. Now, you tell me, isn't that cool?
Air Asia, it's undergoing rapid growth :-
- from second hand planes to a fleet of sophisticated brand new planes, from just about 200 thousand passengers to over 50 million passengers, count surpassed SIA, Arab Emirates and many other LCCT's in the world.
- a small company, within a short span of time is worth over 2 billion!! And it's growing, Wow!!
- One of the 50 most innovative companies in world (creative and unique) and the best is..
Picture : Courtesy - tonyfernandesblog.com
That's the AirAsia spirit. If I am given a chance I will fly everyone all over the world.
So guys and girls,
A long journey starts with a single step, and the 1st step is always the biggest, hardest and toughest.
In the year 2008, I was short-listed for MAS cadet pilot. I made through the psychomotor test but I was not so fortunate for the psychometric test although I did well as to my ability.

Registering for MAS psychomotor test.
Anyway, I'm not giving up yet, so I applied for the APFT cadet pilot program and flew by Air Asia to Kota Bahru, Kelantan from LCCT KL to attend the briefing and interview. I was given a probationary offer letter which I am putting on hold due to financial constraints.

My 1st Air Asia Flight ^^ to Kota Bharu, Kelantan
I further applied to Epic Aviation in Florida, US and I was given an offer letter and again harboring it due to financial difficulties. Officials from EPIC keep calling me advising not to give up and saying "if there is will there is a way".
My dad approached the banks, they say we must have some kind of collateral to secure such a big loan. We don't have a house or land to mortgage, we are living in a rented shop house.
I did apply to Singapore International Airlines via online but later I read that the intake was for Singaporeans ONLY.
I applied online to Etihad Cadet Program but later found out that they have closed the venue for interview in Malaysia.
I'm NOT giving up, I'm here blogging with the hope of being shortlisted to join and serve Air Asia.
Life is a struggle, worst if you're poor, but I will not quit, will keep trying, by God's grace I will be a PILOT soon.
I wanna be a pilot, only then I would feel my dream accomplished, till then I will never rest nor give up, just like the guy in this mini clip below, please watch :)
* The word 'Impossible' itself says 'I-M-Possible' * ;)
Given this opportunity I would like to share some of the things I always follow :-
I like to watch Astro programs like :- Air Crash Investigation, Battle Field, Dogfight, Flight Plan, Next World, Gadget, Gadget, Gadget, and many, many more......
Subscribe and push yourself into the world of aviation!
Related web sites :
- www.tonyfernandesblog.com
- www.blog.airasia.com
- www.askcaptainlim.com
- www.flydamnit.com
- www.faa.gov
- www.youtube.com : search for relevant tags, and keep seaching for more....