It has been a long break for me to blog..
no more waits my dear friends...
ladies and gentlemen...
a Bo0O0oYaaah - stylo post!!
IT'S ME !!!
1st of all.. Happy-Chinese-CowCow-Year and
Happy Thaipusam!! ^^
Yo I'ma indian-chinese with nigga-style remixed dude who celebrate both the celebrations
like a real kungfu-guy and dancing-guy !!
Before all that coming on... let me introduce you....
my new hairstyle!!
Heh!! Look who's laughing now..
This year's chinese new year is the best 1 so far for me..!!
With all those angpows~ and visitings... chinese traditions added a wholesome
of freakin-joly recipe into my life! So let me draw the line of my recent journeys ~!!
After 3 super-slow-moving days crawled past...where I were just sitting at house waiting for dudes to finish their familydays.
And then... GoGoGo0O!!! It's time for the new year biscuits and the holy-packet..ANGPOW !!!
The 1st trip was meant for PJCrews!! From sam's ( where kwan siong and joe missed their angpows) to kwan siong's ( where I bet my fate and lose almost all my angpows gambling.. :S )
and then to chia jie's ( where I continued my X-Box craziness on call of duty and chia jie killing us with his freakin c4 ==''', this's 1st person shooting game yo!! and ur not shooting.. zzz )
My blink-blink was stacking up just before our desire drew us for Counter-Strike..
Da Ji lor..!! Another few hours of crying and shouting ( where sam was my team and keep leaving the game to chat and browse.. come on.. we needed a kamikaze-attack and a super-invincible self-destroying shield.. and u weren't there) haha...
and the day end with not much income but real fun.
The next day was a suprising day~~
We have got a new member of SuperSpeedoClan..
Chia Jie's family a.k.a DaiSou.. ^.*
We went for Pei Chee's house for a CNY party :0
What can i say.. we had lots of fun.. like..
watching sam and kwan siong getting owned by a lil kid in NBA2009,
kwan siong getting suck-ed by the lion-wannabe fat dog,
a sudden gorilla-dunk by kwan siong Right Into Chia jie's face...hah!
watching joe hitting his forehead losing all his money gambling..
chia jie's Home-run Dunk blowing the ball to neighbour house ( Some1 was admiring it..ek herm)
Watching sam smuggeling Carlsberg.. tehee!!
and finally... wacthing Pei Cheese's parents... nodded for Some reason... herm...
The next day.. had a fabulous dinner at a sea food restaurant with a bill of RM 98..
wasnt expecting that.. 4 dishes for 5 person with this amount.. way out of my saving and
collecting plan... sad......
headed to ken ling's house and yet again lost some of my angpows ==
then to Jian Rong's house.. where we all lost our money to that freakin gambling gay..Joe !!!
we gambled untill 6 a.m ( where Jr's mum woke and suprised seeing us woke so early.. in fact.. we havent sleep yet.. >< ) Joe won near 3 digits and we were head-shot by him~ Lesson of the day : Do not gamble if Joe's there. Around afternoon we went to Snowy-TseChien-Dear's house, got some ferrero and big-size-NONI..haha!!
Met up with Sook Sim then we went to Joe's house and wished a happy CNY to his super-cool-high-tech-gamer dad and mum.. and discovered 1 of the secret of his house... a CC Cam which doesnt consume electric nor energy ?!!... simply because it isn't working.. but still it kept thieves away.. thats cool! Then to circus's house.. no.. is mucus's house.. no no!! is marcus's house.. I had some awsome time 'swimming' and cannon-balling ^^ and bro and sam of cause had their time wetting themselves too..tehee!! then comes the main part.. a cina guy came swimming and muttered marcus an idiot with a nonsense reason and we all pissed off and leaved after throwing some words to him.. this kind of cina is a real failure.. TBT oo... Then we had days of visiting-break and just passed our time playing ball, yam cha etc..
Suddenly Thaipusam popped and I and my family and some relatives went for BatuCave... we arrived there about 12 night... dropped by to relative's house.. the about 3 headed to the street... 1 thing is... I had a good and the very 1st experience to follow some1 to do the paalkodam.
Kavadi and paalkodam is the name of ritue u guys can see that day.. with all those hooks on the body of the possessed.

The thing which will be poked through the mouth..
What made the day all the worth is watching my relative ( kindda brother) with 98 hooks of orange, apple and small-cane-milk all around his body.

This's the 98 hooks im talking about..
front 48,
back 48!
and the time he possessed... whuaa....!!
the time he changes himself.. from a very quiet decend polite young man...

Now my relative's look is goin oversea !

HIS arrival

Hey!! As I said.. i'm in it tru the process!
Tamil Beats!! Drummers we hired ^^
are still coming after their breakfasts....
We were at home... freakin-ly tired and hot.. i took a quick bath and slept..
few hours later.. Joe, Chia jie and Kwan siong came all in a sudden and we went to
a nearby basketball court for 1 on 1's .... my pangkor-slipper torn :( but with all those fun..
I have come out with my newly created " nigga-style " basketball skill..!! ^^
well it was the last day of CNY and i couldn't just sit in house wasting my last shot for angpows..
so again a bunch of us went to KL site to bai nian..!!
1st to yong kang's house where we hardly found any water there.. all alcohols !! [yong kang joint us]
and to ting wei's house.... with his hyper-active toy puddle ~[ ting wei joint us]
then to jian han's house.. and then to ying rou's house.. [jian han and ying rou joint us]
almost more than 1 year didnt have contact with her..
long time no see yo!!
then to pao yi's house.. 1st not that sou but now ok lar..^^ we had another long gamble and looks like gambling is not for me :( ... and freakin gay Joe had his time again...

1st pic with pao yi.. i think.. haha^^

IP MAN !!!

2007 5s6 gang XD..
and a stranger with very-unsatisfied face :S
as we entered the door.. we saw yong kang's and ying rou's family there.. we joint the same row... huh huh huh...
Night time we continued the day to Yi Lieeek's house then to AhJohn's house....
finally to BB's house..
lucky we arrived the time BB's house firing fireworks and we enjoyed it..
then inside his house...
man man... a dog with its own air-conditioned room... now thats life..!!
that night we realised the reason of BB's size... all those expensive foreign chocolates keep comin in and drinks of 40% alcohol...with names i never heard of, he is living a luxurious life... and that was the 1st time i dont dare to touch anymore chocolates...!!
It was bout 12.30 a.m and we all were tired and sleepy.. so its time to move..
and BB suddenly jump out and say wanna down to PJ yam cha...
wow..!! didnt see that comin.. haha to make that 'little angle' satisfied with his
desire... we finally grabbed a seat at PJ mamak.. we call it 'GIANT'
had some words...
then really tak boleh tahan lioa... then gave yong kang and BB a bye and sent back sam...
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