Wondering what drives me to blog again after so long ( real long !) ? and why today ?!
It is because of HIM again.. the greatest entertainer King-of-Pop Michael Jackson !
I am a fan of Michael Jackson since 4 or 5, in my young days, I used to dance ( make a spin and take the hat off just like MJ ) whenever I hear his songs. My father bought one of MJ's album [HISTORY] , well that time it was in video tapes, and my whole family never get bored watching it over and over !
Since the heart rendering news shocked the world, "Michael Jackson is Dead" this headline had its long journey through out the nets and blog- pheres. While most of the people already came to a conclusion that he is Dead and Gone.. there are still lots who believe their life-long idol is still Alive, and without any hesitation I claim myself one of them. Well these are my very own reasons why I think MJ is not dead !
1 - Elvis's Faked Death -
Is Elvis Alive? This is the question that has been on the minds of many people for the better part of 1988. There' was all kinds of conspiratorial theories floating around on everything. Just like the kind of MJ, he was the King-of-Rock, and he was supposed to perform in Asheville, a lot of fans bought the tickets but he died 10 days before.
“Michael is following in the footsteps of a man he greatly admired – another rock icon, Elvis Presley, who also faked his death and is still alive, and in hiding, today,” William Stern, who has written extensively on Presley.
2- Cardiac Arrest Incident -
Lots of arguments and evidence have been discussed for the past few weeks around the world. Some of the thoughts still floating around are like :
a) It wasn't MJ at all. The body found by paramedics is actually lifelike detailed replica of the star, while the paramedics themselves are hired by King of Pop to fool the camera crews.
b) the coffin carried into the helicopter is too small for MJ's body.
c) a sharp eyed viewer noticed something VERY odd in a video of Micheal Jackson's corpse being flown to the morge for an autopsy, where the copse SITS STRAIGHT UP as the helicopter lands !
d) now the paramedics / doctor is missing !
3 - Confusing Autopsy -
They have clarified that MJ was overdosed (?) and only pills were found in his stomach. While most of the people believe that he relied on pain killers, especially for the last rehearsals, I personally think that he don't need any heavy drugs for himself. The best dancer who has been dancing for his whole life, after a short break, having difficulties to make his OWN moves? Come on, even those strenuous dance routines look impossible to be imitated, for MJ they are only simple moves. From the video of his last rehearsal, he looked just fine and energetic. Believe me, his desire to dance again on the stage was burning and he was ever ready for the day!
4 - That's his way -
If you look at his history, at some of the stunts he’s pulled to keep himself in the public eye, to maintain a sense of mystery about who he is and what he’s all about, the idea that he would fake his death makes sense.
So if he did really faked his death, WHY ?!
To life a live - Some says he faked the death in elaborate hoax to escape the media. And now probably resting in his private place(probably Hungary), away from everyone's prying eyes and the clamor of paparazzi covering his "funeral" and "autopsy". All he wanted is a normal life and some times to rest. I agree on this very much, if I were him I would do exactly the same !
Debt - He 'was' carrying a 500 Million $ debt on him, and being realized that even the last show would not lucrative enough and could not raise that much of amount, he decided to end this with his last 'fatal' move. ( as what people say)
Too Old for the Final Curtain - Having weaker body compared to the past, he afraid he could not deliver the same excitement and craziness to his fans, and to risk his fame and flop is not a wise idea neither. ( this is the reason most of my friends suggest and this is so not true !! )
"This is It" Final Curtain -
Regarding to final call he announced months ago, he was supposed to make a perfect comeback tour, the whole world was anxious and excited, black-market tickets worth millions of dollar were sold out within that month! and the fans of MJ were revived back again, but with the news MJ being dead, TODAY : 13 July 2009, the stage and field remain silence.
There was a rumor saying Justin Timberlake would perform on the night (for free), as a tribute to MJ, and I personally guessed that maybe all of the MJ's impersonators will gather and perform :S but since there is no news about anything yet so far, well at least for me.. I'm actually disappointed, today should be the craziest day of decades where thousands of thousands of people fill the field watching HIM dance again.
Michael Jackson - The Pioneer
The King did proved that he's the one moved and changed the musical era into new one! If you google and check, actually people from then did not actually care about Music Videos or even songs. But after a series of MJ's MV rocked the world, people started to use MV as an expressing medium. Being the King of Pop, he created lots of unique and catchy rythms. He created the Moonwalk, he started the pop and lock dance, robot dance, he even beatbox before everyone else.
Best dance move ever - MoonWalk.
The moonwalk is a dance technique that presents the illusion of the dancer being pulled backwards while walking in place. This incredible move was 1st seen during a "Billie Jean" performance in 1983. It subsequently became his signature move, and is now one of the best-known dance techniques in the world. Apart from just a move, it has been an expressing method for the people. When your friends talk about MJ, at least one of them will do the moonwalk, and even when you're on a smooth surface ( e.g mall ) , you'll do the moonwalk. Here are some videos of how moonwalk and his music have influenced the world. " )

MoonWalk Everywhere!
Thriller at Wedding !
Thriller in Rehabilitation ?!!
Pepsi Commercial ( my favourite ! ^^ )
Having so much of love for children, he build the Neverland (2600 acres ! ). It is named after Neverland, the fantasy island in peterpan story, his favorite fantasy character. He did all those because he himself never had childhood memories before. He lived in fear and torture of his father when he was kid and so he don't want other kids to have same experience too!
But after all, that freaggin' moron filed such a case on MJ, accusing him for molesting. It is obvious that he just wanted MJ's money. Everyone knows that MJ would not do such thing, in fact it is true that he let the evil (kid) sleep on his bed while he himself slept on the ground. The boy ofcourse earned millions for the case to be settled, while money was not a problem, MJ was deeply hurt.
Honestly, people would pay anything to touch MJ, and what this homo-kid did was just idiotic.
Star, and a pacifist.
I bet if you're asked about any pacifist, the 1st person comes to your mind would be MJ. Apart of being very pure and lovable, he is the main symbolic icon for peace and freedom. "Heal the Wolrd", "Earth", "We Are The World", " They dont really care about us", " Black or White" etc are some of his MV delivering the message PEACE and LOVE.
Well, I can really keep writing about my star if time allows, it is just too much about him!
Since now everyone believe that he is dead, maybe he can finally rest without people nudging him.
But if you ask me the question again, I 'm still standing on my side, He is still ALIVE!
And in the strangest twist of all, once he’s rested and ready, Michael Jackson, the living legend, the King of Pop, will blow the lid off his own hoax – and embark on the most spectacularly lucrative concert tour in the history of rock ‘n’ roll, once again .
Like him so much too~!!
his "who's loving you" when he's still in Jackson 5 is so nice!
can't agree more with that! he's an incredible singer, since young! >< aahhh!!
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