It's never gonna be the same old life for all, well at least for me anymore. You might ask what kind of big deal different life I'm about to dive into, 1st of all, I'm coming back to my non- nocturnal life again : ) Honestly, my daily routine was totally screwed, for almost half a year. O.O Going to bed at 9 or 10 morning, waking up at 6 evening, having only one meal per day, it seems fun and free, but you gotta thrust me, it is NOT ! Weeks will go by before you realize your normal performance is going down, you will try to sleep earlier in the NIGHT, and end up staring your ceiling for the whole night. But hey, I got my sense back at the right moment have I not ?
Next, ah this is the important one. Some of you might already knew that I longed to become a pilot. Well now it is not a dream anymore, and I'm going for the flying course in Australia under AirAsia, who gave me the opportunity to endeavor my dream. So say bye bye to my wake up -> tea time -> basketball -> dinner - > PPS - > sleep life! It's gonna be tough for a newbie like me in aviation world. Being in total different place, surrounded by the white, which I always wanted to be, back to my all day study track ( long ago XP ) , but I bet it's gonna be the craziest moments I will have.
Anyway, I aware that there are still a lot of aspiring pilots out there, those who already have their goal in front of their nose, and also some who don't even have a clue. I'd been in their shoes so I could exactly understand how it feels. For that mean I created a blog, specially for those who in need of guidance, by providing updates about aviation, and of course, a tad bit of my pilot life. ; )
Good news for those who are still waiting chance to spread your wings,
one more pilot's blog -
to make you one more step closer to your dream.
Wish me luck people, X )
And, good luck.
Till then, I remain.
Wondering what drives me to blog again after so long ( real long !) ? and why today ?!
It is because of HIM again.. the greatest entertainer King-of-Pop Michael Jackson !
I am a fan of Michael Jackson since 4 or 5, in my young days, I used to dance ( make a spin and take the hat off just like MJ ) whenever I hear his songs. My father bought one of MJ's album [HISTORY] , well that time it was in video tapes, and my whole family never get bored watching it over and over !
Since the heart rendering news shocked the world, "Michael Jackson is Dead" this headline had its long journey through out the nets and blog- pheres. While most of the people already came to a conclusion that he is Dead and Gone.. there are still lots who believe their life-long idol is still Alive, and without any hesitation I claim myself one of them. Well these are my very own reasons why I think MJ is not dead !
1 - Elvis's Faked Death -
Is Elvis Alive? This is the question that has been on the minds of many people for the better part of 1988. There' was all kinds of conspiratorial theories floating around on everything. Just like the kind of MJ, he was the King-of-Rock, and he was supposed to perform in Asheville, a lot of fans bought the tickets but he died 10 days before.
“Michael is following in the footsteps of a man he greatly admired – another rock icon, Elvis Presley, who also faked his death and is still alive, and in hiding, today,” William Stern, who has written extensively on Presley.
2- Cardiac Arrest Incident -
Lots of arguments and evidence have been discussed for the past few weeks around the world. Some of the thoughts still floating around are like :
a) It wasn't MJ at all. The body found by paramedics is actually lifelike detailed replica of the star, while the paramedics themselves are hired by King of Pop to fool the camera crews.
b) the coffin carried into the helicopter is too small for MJ's body.
c) a sharp eyed viewer noticed something VERY odd in a video of Micheal Jackson's corpse being flown to the morge for an autopsy, where the copse SITS STRAIGHT UP as the helicopter lands !
d) now the paramedics / doctor is missing !
3 - Confusing Autopsy -
They have clarified that MJ was overdosed (?) and only pills were found in his stomach. While most of the people believe that he relied on pain killers, especially for the last rehearsals, I personally think that he don't need any heavy drugs for himself. The best dancer who has been dancing for his whole life, after a short break, having difficulties to make his OWN moves? Come on, even those strenuous dance routines look impossible to be imitated, for MJ they are only simple moves. From the video of his last rehearsal, he looked just fine and energetic. Believe me, his desire to dance again on the stage was burning and he was ever ready for the day!
4 - That's his way -
If you look at his history, at some of the stunts he’s pulled to keep himself in the public eye, to maintain a sense of mystery about who he is and what he’s all about, the idea that he would fake his death makes sense.
So if he did really faked his death, WHY ?!
To life a live - Some says he faked the death in elaborate hoax to escape the media. And now probably resting in his private place(probably Hungary), away from everyone's prying eyes and the clamor of paparazzi covering his "funeral" and "autopsy". All he wanted is a normal life and some times to rest. I agree on this very much, if I were him I would do exactly the same !
Debt - He 'was' carrying a 500 Million $ debt on him, and being realized that even the last show would not lucrative enough and could not raise that much of amount, he decided to end this with his last 'fatal' move. ( as what people say)
Too Old for the Final Curtain - Having weaker body compared to the past, he afraid he could not deliver the same excitement and craziness to his fans, and to risk his fame and flop is not a wise idea neither. ( this is the reason most of my friends suggest and this is so not true !! )
"This is It" Final Curtain -
Regarding to final call he announced months ago, he was supposed to make a perfect comeback tour, the whole world was anxious and excited, black-market tickets worth millions of dollar were sold out within that month! and the fans of MJ were revived back again, but with the news MJ being dead, TODAY : 13 July 2009, the stage and field remain silence.
There was a rumor saying Justin Timberlake would perform on the night (for free), as a tribute to MJ, and I personally guessed that maybe all of the MJ's impersonators will gather and perform :S but since there is no news about anything yet so far, well at least for me.. I'm actually disappointed, today should be the craziest day of decades where thousands of thousands of people fill the field watching HIM dance again.
Michael Jackson - The Pioneer
The King did proved that he's the one moved and changed the musical era into new one! If you google and check, actually people from then did not actually care about Music Videos or even songs. But after a series of MJ's MV rocked the world, people started to use MV as an expressing medium. Being the King of Pop, he created lots of unique and catchy rythms. He created the Moonwalk, he started the pop and lock dance, robot dance, he even beatbox before everyone else.
Best dance move ever - MoonWalk.
The moonwalk is a dance technique that presents the illusion of the dancer being pulled backwards while walking in place. This incredible move was 1st seen during a "Billie Jean" performance in 1983. It subsequently became his signature move, and is now one of the best-known dance techniques in the world. Apart from just a move, it has been an expressing method for the people. When your friends talk about MJ, at least one of them will do the moonwalk, and even when you're on a smooth surface ( e.g mall ) , you'll do the moonwalk. Here are some videos of how moonwalk and his music have influenced the world. " )

MoonWalk Everywhere!
Thriller at Wedding !
Thriller in Rehabilitation ?!!
Pepsi Commercial ( my favourite ! ^^ )
Having so much of love for children, he build the Neverland (2600 acres ! ). It is named after Neverland, the fantasy island in peterpan story, his favorite fantasy character. He did all those because he himself never had childhood memories before. He lived in fear and torture of his father when he was kid and so he don't want other kids to have same experience too!
But after all, that freaggin' moron filed such a case on MJ, accusing him for molesting. It is obvious that he just wanted MJ's money. Everyone knows that MJ would not do such thing, in fact it is true that he let the evil (kid) sleep on his bed while he himself slept on the ground. The boy ofcourse earned millions for the case to be settled, while money was not a problem, MJ was deeply hurt.
Honestly, people would pay anything to touch MJ, and what this homo-kid did was just idiotic.
Star, and a pacifist.
I bet if you're asked about any pacifist, the 1st person comes to your mind would be MJ. Apart of being very pure and lovable, he is the main symbolic icon for peace and freedom. "Heal the Wolrd", "Earth", "We Are The World", " They dont really care about us", " Black or White" etc are some of his MV delivering the message PEACE and LOVE.
Well, I can really keep writing about my star if time allows, it is just too much about him!
Since now everyone believe that he is dead, maybe he can finally rest without people nudging him.
But if you ask me the question again, I 'm still standing on my side, He is still ALIVE!
And in the strangest twist of all, once he’s rested and ready, Michael Jackson, the living legend, the King of Pop, will blow the lid off his own hoax – and embark on the most spectacularly lucrative concert tour in the history of rock ‘n’ roll, once again .
Getting the seats just in front of the starting line, and Ferrari's boot, the day was even greater with the spirits and excitements filling the atmosphere!,
not to mention all those Whites around. *Cheeky*
We were utterly disappointed for missing the starting of the race, albeit we're prepared and already on the road two and a half hours before the ceremony, being stuck in the jam our patience was truly tested. ==
Honesty I'm not F1 Kaki and if you ask me about Janson Button(Winner), Nick Heidfeld(1st up), and Timo Glock(2nd up), whom I learned about just on that particular day.. :S , the only answer of mine would be :
" Apo ??!! Michael ShoeMaker izzit? The Champion mah? "
... *sigh*
Anyway.. not goin to tell you any further about F1 if you had never heard of the sound..aahh that ferocious sound! It's louder than noise, faster than thunder, and on top of all - It's a little bit scary. 0.0 woo~~ ( without the earplugs, with the massive waves man your ears are goin down down.)
Before get bored reading and leaving my blog, why don'cha watch a short video, basically F1 clips compilation on that sunny+rainy-remixed-day! :) Cheers! :P
Bet you've heard about AirAsia Blogging Contest huh?!
This seems like a chance for my goal so why don't I make a shot for it?! So I made a blog about why I wanted to be a pilot and just wished that I got shortlisted by them. 0.0 *finger crossed*
I have posted my entry to em' so as the time for it to reach you all too^^
-- Hey guess what.. I've been shortlisted!! wo0Oh0o0!! A guy gave me a morning call to inform me that I'm on the 9th place! My post has been published on the airasiablog, feel free to take a look.
This really makes my day! Now all I could do is wish to get in the top 10 !!!! XD --
First of all, a round of applause to AirAsia BlogTeam. It is nice of you guys who for the first time in the aviation industry brought fun to aspiring cadet pilots through blogging. Cheers!
" So You Wanna Be a Pilot" is a brilliant idea by the blog team put into practice by our CEO Datuk Seri Tony Fernandez which attracted the world media at large.
Datuk Seri Tony is my Mentor, he is a real great guy you know, he is in the news again, I read the StarOnline saying "AirAsia chief elated with US award"
So You Wanna Be A Pilot? Of course, I do, that's what I am waiting for all these while with a burning desire....
Pilots are always looked up as one who earns big money and live a good life. This particular career is so tempting that a growing number of aspiring pilots like ME are always waiting for an opportunity ever ready to spread our wings to fly.
I have great interest in aviation and impressed with the state of art aircrafts since young. Longing to be a pilot one day I prepared myself, studying hard taking up science stream with an ambition, and aim to qualify as a career pilot later.
In my younger days, I use to make paper planes using pages from my school exercise notebooks and get the scolding from my parents.
When I was a small boy my father bought a Macintosh Multimedia Computer (Power PC) and installed Microsoft Flight Simulator program, I don't have a joystick, using mouse was so difficult and the landings were a real mess. One fine day the program got corrupted and I was so down and out.
Time pass by and when I grew up, I had the option of using internet. I always google the net for aviation related materials and watch video clips of planes flying, maneuvering and landing with a feeling that I would be the one taking charge of the plane in the near future flying past the blue skies.
I am willing to make sacrifices and take all necessary action to reach the sky. No giving up.
Well, before going any further, guys... why not watch ... A mini VIDEO OF MINE. ^^
Have a seat and enjoy!! ( may take a while to load, so be patient ) :)
As this is a blog post, lets follow the 1st rule of blogging -
* Keep it simple, Easy to read and Informative. *
To me, flying is not only a career, it's my blood, it's my life, I always dream of me in the cockpit as a pilot and flying high into the clouds.
I am more than crazy to see aircraft at close range, wouldn't it be better if I am able to fly the machine, navigating the plane - the marvels of engineering high up in the sky.When I was kid I took my father to the Sg Besi Air Force Muzeum to see and feel the planes.
My visit to TUDM, Shah Alam 2008
Being open minded, I have great passion for flying since young.
I would grab any opportunity and take all risk to bear responsibility as well as to care for the life of the people around me, the people I work for and make my country proud, it's in my blood like my father who was a police elite force member who served the nation.
I am fascinated and impressed with the cream of technology in aircrafts we have today.
The high salary and perks never cross my mind, my ambition to become a PILOT is even greater.
I like to travel but never had the opportunity, being a pilot of course I can travel around the globe meeting people of all walks of life.
Of course there's never a perfect package.
However, have you ever thought why pilots are highly paid?
In my opinion :-
they are a very special breed, young and aspiring, highly trained, dedicated professionals, entrusted with a million ringgit aircraft along with lives of hundreds of passengers to take care plus ensuring the safety of thousands of people on the ground below the flight path.
If a surgeon makes a mistake, it may only cost a life; BUT if a pilot makes the same mistake, it may cost hundreds or even thousands of lives, and the worst... the pilot's own life.
By being a pilot one have to work in extreme conditions, strict regulations, and of course at times under tremendous pressure, therefore self-discipline is utmost important for a pilot wannabe.
- With great Powers comes great Responsibility -
If anyone ask, "Do you have what it takes to be a pilot ?"
I would say, "I believe, I have the temperament to be one!"
Credentials in support =>
Obtained :-
DCA Approval Letter
APFT Offer Letter
Epic Aviation (Florida, US) Offer Letter.
Academic accomplishments =>
PMR 7 A's - Magnum Top Student Award
SPM 9 A's - Science Stream with 1As in Maths, AddMaths, Physics, Chemistry, BM, History, and EST ; 2As in English and Biology. ^^
Unified Examination Certificate (UEC-Chinese 3A's and 6B's)
Attended Forum Competition up to National Level including a competition in Sarawak ( This was the first time I was flying in a MAS flight and I feel great, it's cool, man)
Temperament =>
Mentally and physically fit, basketball player, masculine built sports man.z
Ability in language =>
I can speak fluent Malay, English, Tamil, and of course Mandarin & some Chinese dialects as well!
Ability to work under pressure =>
To prove myself, I had undergone double academic syllabus including SPM and UEC at the same time. Participated in adventure camping's.
I enjoy working as a team as well as independently. Love traveling a lot.
Thinker and always willing to think out of the box!
Able to stand out from the others, "Only the hook exposed, gets the picture."
One may ask why AirAsia?
I would say, Why NOT AirAsia!
To me, AirAsia is "DIFFERENT"
It's more than just a company. It's a TEAM.
It's friendly and easy to approach i.e via blogs^^, facebook, etc. Imagine, you can reach the CEO through his blog and/or even chat with him, he is ever ready to get back to you to answer your queries. Now, you tell me, isn't that cool?
Air Asia, it's undergoing rapid growth :-
- from second hand planes to a fleet of sophisticated brand new planes, from just about 200 thousand passengers to over 50 million passengers, count surpassed SIA, Arab Emirates and many other LCCT's in the world.
- a small company, within a short span of time is worth over 2 billion!! And it's growing, Wow!!
- One of the 50 most innovative companies in world (creative and unique) and the best is..
Picture : Courtesy -
That's the AirAsia spirit. If I am given a chance I will fly everyone all over the world.
So guys and girls,
A long journey starts with a single step, and the 1st step is always the biggest, hardest and toughest.
In the year 2008, I was short-listed for MAS cadet pilot. I made through the psychomotor test but I was not so fortunate for the psychometric test although I did well as to my ability.
Registering for MAS psychomotor test.
Anyway, I'm not giving up yet, so I applied for the APFT cadet pilot program and flew by Air Asia to Kota Bahru, Kelantan from LCCT KL to attend the briefing and interview. I was given a probationary offer letter which I am putting on hold due to financial constraints.
My 1st Air Asia Flight ^^ to Kota Bharu, Kelantan
I further applied to Epic Aviation in Florida, US and I was given an offer letter and again harboring it due to financial difficulties. Officials from EPIC keep calling me advising not to give up and saying "if there is will there is a way".
My dad approached the banks, they say we must have some kind of collateral to secure such a big loan. We don't have a house or land to mortgage, we are living in a rented shop house.
I did apply to Singapore International Airlines via online but later I read that the intake was for Singaporeans ONLY.
I applied online to Etihad Cadet Program but later found out that they have closed the venue for interview in Malaysia.
I'm NOT giving up, I'm here blogging with the hope of being shortlisted to join and serve Air Asia.
Life is a struggle, worst if you're poor, but I will not quit, will keep trying, by God's grace I will be a PILOT soon.
I wanna be a pilot, only then I would feel my dream accomplished, till then I will never rest nor give up, just like the guy in this mini clip below, please watch :)
* The word 'Impossible' itself says 'I-M-Possible' * ;)
Given this opportunity I would like to share some of the things I always follow :-
I like to watch Astro programs like :- Air Crash Investigation, Battle Field, Dogfight, Flight Plan, Next World, Gadget, Gadget, Gadget, and many, many more......
Subscribe and push yourself into the world of aviation!
Related web sites :
- : search for relevant tags, and keep seaching for more....
It started with a question :
How can we inspire people to take action on climate change?
The Answer :
Ask the people of Sydney to turn off their lights for one hour.
* With Sydney icons like the Harbour Bridge and Opera House turning their lights off,
and unique events such as wedding by candlelights, the world took notice! - including me >P
Inspired by the collective effort, this symbolic event turns into now a global movement!! *
'Earth Hour' is the title of my journal magazine project last year.
It was a little disappointment for me as the matter of fact that Malaysia didn't took part in such magnificent movement last year. All I could do was to tell the people about it thru the article.
And now the time it is and im in total dark. ^^
I'm feeling good that i'm into the movement right now, and hope that everyone reading this
is or was in pitch black too!
Well its another half an hour to go and now the only things lit here are my computer
and tv screens. Albeit this darkness, I have come to a point that...
You can only feel the hot if you've been cold,
You can only feel the bliss if you've been in hardship,
and you can only feel the light only when you're in dark...
and now my eyes are so uncomfortable that this screen is brighther than ever.. >< and look!! there's insect on my tv screen!! how rare is this..
its like im now in my kampung house ^^
Maybe we all should appreciate this one-hour-a-year that we all are together in the dark for
something good.
Show the world that you care with one simple action.
Collectively we can make a big difference.
I was finding my camera for some shots but it was just too dark.. :S
So pics you're bout to see are from my bro's
n70 ~
More to know ?
Labels: earth hour, voteearth
You'll find familiar pictures ;
There was a fire near my house.
I rushed and saw fire verging nearly a whole house,
people were all buzzing around , nervous, violent blow though,
instead of pail, they rushed with jar'... :S
camera in the left hand, hand phone in the other,
they were busy taking pictures
while there were much more things to do.
The fire serpent grew bigger than bigger,
gulping every inch of the house and reaching for the next without any mercy,
in splits of a second it grew 3 storey tall,
and the 3rd house was ever ready to face the music, fear!!
Worry no more,
firefighters were there before us,
fighting hard to tame the fire lashing like a dragon,
with the people standing shocked.
That was an Indian house-cum restaurant serving South Indian cuisine.
I was there, with my friends to taste their spice and chili hot curry on banana leaf before.
I realized the value of water (cold ~.~) so much from em'
which now no more.
The fire burned no souls, but every bit of hope,
The boy and his mother were crying for the lost of their home perished in fire,
did not bother to wipe their tears, only to be dried by the heat from the flame,
Eloquent nor valiant, great in action, thoughts ... only a theory!!!
Then the night fall dead silent again,
The silence seems to be so loud,
and this time within my thoughts....
to thine own self be true
Thinking back the gaiety
thinking back...'selfish'
sad, saddest, saddest of all,
I was there, among the selfish them.
- pics showing neighbours wearying to save a burning house with water, and their sweats -
Labels: fire
favorite games including :
Dota, Counter-Strike, Call of Duty, RedAlert, Starcraft, Left4Dead,
Age of Empires, Team Fortress, BattleField...
and also casual games u might be interest in !
So the game I want to share with you all today is BlackShot!
BlackShot is a 1st person shooting online game very much similar to
CS and CallOfDuty, but a lot of effects and better sounds..
2.The game comes with 3 modes : Bunker Defense, Team and Flag, Search and Destroy.
Most of em' around the world play the second 1 because once you're dead, all you have to do is wait 10 secs to respawn and you're ready to go again and join your team in the middle of the fight. So you dont need to wait for the round to end !!!
3. Whenever you do a headshot, double-kill, multi-kill, or knife, you got a compliment with different effects on your screen immediately! And if you killed the most in that game, at the end you will be classified as MVP.
the real fun is in the game! So if you're bored with the same old type of shooting game, get BlackShot loaded and satisfy yourself with the whole new kind of adrenaline rush!! ;)
Labels: garena blackshot
Hey HEy!!!
So 19th Feb finally arrived and i was ready to fight!!
It was like this...
I applied for a cadet pilot program in Asia Pacific Flight Training (APFT) kota bharu, kelantan
which I were told that they are offering sponsorships.
The best part : I was shortlisted!! woohoo.. and together with my bro too..!! yearrr..
The bad part : The briefing session we supposed to attend was held in kota bharu and we have to take a flight. ~.~
So the day before 19th.. as a common case.. i couldnt sleep untill 3.. == and the next hour i was readying for the day..( yea just an hour of sleep Z.Z)
The session was to be start at 10.30 a.m so we both arrived at KLcentral at bout 5 and took a Skybus and get ourselves down at LCCT at about 6 something.

Yooouhoo~! My 1st pic of the day!

You dont want to be in there when its on.

Someone is looking me??!

Break the dawn...
At 8.30 we were already in the Sultan Ismail Petra, Pengkalan Chepa Airport where the APFT ground training set within the perimeter!
We were guided by inside ppl and when all the other candidates FINALLY arrived ( we were the 1st to show up).. the session started by the principal and the registrar..
and not much than I expected.. or more to my disappointment..
1. they tell about their school and system.. about everything i have already know.. herm..
2. only me, bro and another guy were indian.. 1 chinese and rest of all are you-know-who...
3. we have to pay initial part-payment of 15K to book a seat, then pay the rest of the fee from a total of 240K.. so they are not sponsoring anyone for the training.
4. they keep taking about MARA's aid for the payment. Hello.. can u see us.. we're just sitting infront of you... in case i asked them for non-bumi's aid.. and they came up with bank loan with burdening interest or even collateral.. adding more to worse.. the unsecured loan and the non-refundable fee 15K. In conclusion it's a risky attempt trying to enroll into APFT(for non-bumi) if you are not financially ready.
5. the interview. Competence in English is the 1st thing the aviation field wants.. so more for you to know.. the interview was just to see if you can speak a good english. YES with all those ma lai 豬 struggling.. we 3 indians have nothing to do with nervous.. just Q-ed to the room..
as i introduced myself.. they asked me.. why do i have a JUNIOR in my name.. and tell me that both mine and bro's name are god's name so we mustn't drink brandi wiski beer and have to behave ourselves. Thanks for your advice bro but i dont drink nor smoke. They are nice ppl anyway. :) just a-bit money minded.. realistic.
I was expecting more of a questions like...
- what will u do when hijacking happens??!!
- what type of aircraft do we have and how many??!!
- what is headwind crosswind tailwind and what they do?
- who are you?
or even some provoking questions like..
- 33*45 = ??
- capital of England ?!
- what is my name ????!!!!
in the end... WE ALL get the provisional-enrollment letter.
The session ended and fortunately and unfortunatley..
our return flight was at 9 p.m.... 0''0
So we 4 indian musketeers ( me, bro, friend-Manuj, his cousin-Pradip)
rent a Kancil car for RM50 per day and off to the town!!
With the aid of our GPS-dude 1st we had a quick visit to a Bazzar.. then to Musium Negeri followed up to Musium Perang Dunia ke-2.

Musium Negeri^^
the only shaded place we can find under the
blazing sun..

Brothas!! left- Manuj ( candidate)
right- Pradip(GPS-Gia)

Something u may not find in Selangor
or KL?

When you see this..
u know that u are probably in kelantan!
These 2 guys are real fun and got time we will meet again brothas!!
So again me and bro set for a drink ( milo-ice somehow tasted KAW too in kelantan ">)
Then we made our last visit to Pantai Cahaya Bulan to feel the breeze~~~~
We couldnt stay any longer standing there because it may seems inviting for sight.. but definetly NOT for smell...
When the clock ticks to 9 we had already have our butts sitted in the plane.. about 10 we were back ALIVE flashing back the horrifying sounds and the vibrations all the way... not to mention the bad bouncy landing of the flight...pheww...
'19th Feb 2009 was a good experience for me and.. may my dream fly....'
It has been a long break for me to blog..
no more waits my dear friends...
ladies and gentlemen...
a Bo0O0oYaaah - stylo post!!
IT'S ME !!!
1st of all.. Happy-Chinese-CowCow-Year and
Happy Thaipusam!! ^^
Yo I'ma indian-chinese with nigga-style remixed dude who celebrate both the celebrations
like a real kungfu-guy and dancing-guy !!
Before all that coming on... let me introduce you....
my new hairstyle!!
This year's chinese new year is the best 1 so far for me..!!
With all those angpows~ and visitings... chinese traditions added a wholesome
of freakin-joly recipe into my life! So let me draw the line of my recent journeys ~!!
After 3 super-slow-moving days crawled past...where I were just sitting at house waiting for dudes to finish their familydays.
And then... GoGoGo0O!!! It's time for the new year biscuits and the holy-packet..ANGPOW !!!
The 1st trip was meant for PJCrews!! From sam's ( where kwan siong and joe missed their angpows) to kwan siong's ( where I bet my fate and lose almost all my angpows gambling.. :S )
and then to chia jie's ( where I continued my X-Box craziness on call of duty and chia jie killing us with his freakin c4 ==''', this's 1st person shooting game yo!! and ur not shooting.. zzz )
My blink-blink was stacking up just before our desire drew us for Counter-Strike..
Da Ji lor..!! Another few hours of crying and shouting ( where sam was my team and keep leaving the game to chat and browse.. come on.. we needed a kamikaze-attack and a super-invincible self-destroying shield.. and u weren't there) haha...
and the day end with not much income but real fun.
The next day was a suprising day~~
We have got a new member of SuperSpeedoClan..
Chia Jie's family a.k.a DaiSou.. ^.*
We went for Pei Chee's house for a CNY party :0
What can i say.. we had lots of fun.. like..
watching sam and kwan siong getting owned by a lil kid in NBA2009,
kwan siong getting suck-ed by the lion-wannabe fat dog,
a sudden gorilla-dunk by kwan siong Right Into Chia jie's face...hah!
watching joe hitting his forehead losing all his money gambling..
chia jie's Home-run Dunk blowing the ball to neighbour house ( Some1 was admiring it..ek herm)
Watching sam smuggeling Carlsberg.. tehee!!
and finally... wacthing Pei Cheese's parents... nodded for Some reason... herm...
The next day.. had a fabulous dinner at a sea food restaurant with a bill of RM 98..
wasnt expecting that.. 4 dishes for 5 person with this amount.. way out of my saving and
collecting plan... sad......
headed to ken ling's house and yet again lost some of my angpows ==
then to Jian Rong's house.. where we all lost our money to that freakin gambling gay..Joe !!!
we gambled untill 6 a.m ( where Jr's mum woke and suprised seeing us woke so early.. in fact.. we havent sleep yet.. >< ) Joe won near 3 digits and we were head-shot by him~ Lesson of the day : Do not gamble if Joe's there. Around afternoon we went to Snowy-TseChien-Dear's house, got some ferrero and big-size-NONI..haha!!
Met up with Sook Sim then we went to Joe's house and wished a happy CNY to his super-cool-high-tech-gamer dad and mum.. and discovered 1 of the secret of his house... a CC Cam which doesnt consume electric nor energy ?!!... simply because it isn't working.. but still it kept thieves away.. thats cool! Then to circus's house.. no.. is mucus's house.. no no!! is marcus's house.. I had some awsome time 'swimming' and cannon-balling ^^ and bro and sam of cause had their time wetting themselves too..tehee!! then comes the main part.. a cina guy came swimming and muttered marcus an idiot with a nonsense reason and we all pissed off and leaved after throwing some words to him.. this kind of cina is a real failure.. TBT oo... Then we had days of visiting-break and just passed our time playing ball, yam cha etc..
Suddenly Thaipusam popped and I and my family and some relatives went for BatuCave... we arrived there about 12 night... dropped by to relative's house.. the about 3 headed to the street... 1 thing is... I had a good and the very 1st experience to follow some1 to do the paalkodam.
Kavadi and paalkodam is the name of ritue u guys can see that day.. with all those hooks on the body of the possessed.

The thing which will be poked through the mouth..
What made the day all the worth is watching my relative ( kindda brother) with 98 hooks of orange, apple and small-cane-milk all around his body.

This's the 98 hooks im talking about..
front 48,
back 48!
and the time he possessed... whuaa....!!
the time he changes himself.. from a very quiet decend polite young man...

Now my relative's look is goin oversea !

HIS arrival

Hey!! As I said.. i'm in it tru the process!
Tamil Beats!! Drummers we hired ^^
are still coming after their breakfasts....
We were at home... freakin-ly tired and hot.. i took a quick bath and slept..
few hours later.. Joe, Chia jie and Kwan siong came all in a sudden and we went to
a nearby basketball court for 1 on 1's .... my pangkor-slipper torn :( but with all those fun..
I have come out with my newly created " nigga-style " basketball skill..!! ^^
well it was the last day of CNY and i couldn't just sit in house wasting my last shot for angpows..
so again a bunch of us went to KL site to bai nian..!!
1st to yong kang's house where we hardly found any water there.. all alcohols !! [yong kang joint us]
and to ting wei's house.... with his hyper-active toy puddle ~[ ting wei joint us]
then to jian han's house.. and then to ying rou's house.. [jian han and ying rou joint us]
almost more than 1 year didnt have contact with her..
long time no see yo!!
then to pao yi's house.. 1st not that sou but now ok lar..^^ we had another long gamble and looks like gambling is not for me :( ... and freakin gay Joe had his time again...

1st pic with pao yi.. i think.. haha^^

IP MAN !!!

2007 5s6 gang XD..
and a stranger with very-unsatisfied face :S
as we entered the door.. we saw yong kang's and ying rou's family there.. we joint the same row... huh huh huh...
Night time we continued the day to Yi Lieeek's house then to AhJohn's house....
finally to BB's house..
lucky we arrived the time BB's house firing fireworks and we enjoyed it..
then inside his house...
man man... a dog with its own air-conditioned room... now thats life..!!
that night we realised the reason of BB's size... all those expensive foreign chocolates keep comin in and drinks of 40% alcohol...with names i never heard of, he is living a luxurious life... and that was the 1st time i dont dare to touch anymore chocolates...!!
It was bout 12.30 a.m and we all were tired and sleepy.. so its time to move..
and BB suddenly jump out and say wanna down to PJ yam cha...
wow..!! didnt see that comin.. haha to make that 'little angle' satisfied with his
desire... we finally grabbed a seat at PJ mamak.. we call it 'GIANT'
had some words...
then really tak boleh tahan lioa... then gave yong kang and BB a bye and sent back sam...