From congested city..we went off..
to peaceful woods.. to Sungai Congkak
where rhythm of sounds fill the air..
sounds of nature...
3 days of learning..
to become stronger..
Hulu Langat Youth Leadership Camp
where i have learned..
Malaysia's Identity
Nature's Beauty..
So that would be kinda summary for my
Sungai Congkak Hulu Langat Youth Leadership Camp !! ^^ [ 28,29,30th Nov 08]
Yea...3-day 2-night... me, bro and a whole bunch of KL friends took part
in this camp.. which was sponsored by ADUN of Bukit Gasing, Mr. Edward Lee. ^^
We had enjoyed every single activity held by the organiser..
from mind-confusing games to serious-law lessons..
from freaky tricky plays to deep-down politic systems..
and most of all... few hours of Field and River moments ^^
We played Football, Captain Ball, Dodge Ball, Volleyball, Tennis Ball
almost lost voice screaming on the field..
but all worth it by gaining crazy experiences we never could have anywhere else^^
14 eyes on 1 ball..gonna be great battle for the ball^^
Half-Nude team attacks
Grabbing the ball even b4 it falls, now that's cool !
Ball of Glory ^^ it was a score!!

Sze Hong charging into castling defense >.<

Kun Rong into the air.. reaches the highest

Mr.Mark showing off his skills^^

Cow Cow Smack-Downed !!

2 men down..! Repeat..2 men down !!!

Lisa with her eyes closed and hands opened waiting
for miracle to happen.. XP while Sze Hong admiring it ! HAA!

8 players and 2 goal posts^^ haha.. XD

BBQ night.. !! Yeaa..~ Sexy Mr. Mark [ naked-cheff ] XD

Malaysian Political System lesson :-S

Mr. Jungle-Guardian ! Explaining the ways to survive
in jungle..very useful indeed !

A wonderful shot after jungle-trekking :D

Crazy-Funny gang, (from left) John, Mark, Lisa, Julie ^^

Final group photo of camp ^^ !!
Thanks to See-Tho Chee Seong who pictured
all these memorables..good job BRO!!
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